tattoed vegetarian mac users
Via Bob's near daily readings: Tattooed Vegetarian Mac Users Unite! definitely caught my attention. Obviously, as I am tattoed (I had my dragon tattoed as soon as I turned 18), vegetarian and a mac user (I love my Powerbook 15"). I don't know whether I believe they are all vegetarian though. I found this recipe on Todd Heasley's web-site. However his entry 1st of April about biking home and being knocked over by a car (or perhaps rather by the driver of the car), is funny. Not that it's funny to be hit by cars, but I so identify with his anger. I rely on pedal power throughout the year, and I don't think anything can actually make me as angry as having to cope with all kinds of idiots driving cars. I've had so many near-accidents, and they have not, I swear, been my fault. I don't always obey the law, but traffic rules are better followed.
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