A few of us who started studying media and communication in 1997 are meeting on Friday. In 1997 I was 22, studying my third and final discipline of my cand.mag (sort of bachelor) degree (1995: political science; 1996: social geography), and with no idea of what the future would look like (except I expected it to be with my then-boyfriend, who later, actually on New Years Eve 97/98, left me, but only after 9 months of multi-media/film studies in Vancouver, how bad is that). 1997 suddenly seems to be far away. Ok, life inevitably changes and will continue to change. I enjoy being 29, I am physically and psychologically healthy, I have great friends, a lovely family, I have the best boyfriend, and I get paid every month. In short: a life I am so grateful to live. But, I get dizzy by the ever-increasing speed of life.
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