

Friday, October 14, 2005

identity selves persons ego individuals

One of the initial research questions for my phd-project has been How do young people express and perform their identity through use of personal media. Clearly this is not a very original question to pose, and I realise I'm facing a real challenge in constructing an approach that feels fresh and less exhausted. Like, how much more can you squeeze out of Goffman applied to digital presentations of self? Pretty much, I'm sure, but I really would like to look somewhat beyond dramaturgical regions and roles. I think I'd like to add the idea of hypothetical core-self (not as a fixed entity). I cannot uncover the "true selves" of my informants, and the research interviews I've conducted are very far from psychotherapy a la Carl Rogers, where clients get in touch with and appreciate their "real me" after about 40 therapy-sessions. Still, the ultimate cliche within my research area is that people more easily reveal their "true self" or their "real me" in computer-mediated communication (see for instance John A. Bargh et al. "Can You See the Real Me? Activation and Expression of the "True Self" on the Internet" in Journal of Social Issues). My interviews indicate this as well.

I'll try to figure it out during the next few months. Definitely need to do some reading.


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