

Friday, October 06, 2006

back to usual

Working in Brisbane is just like working in Oslo. This week I had planned to re-write the article deeply in need of a stronger theoretical framework and more compelling research questions, and I think I'm getting somewhere (btw there were apparently good things about the article too. According to one of the reviewers the interview data seems solid, my analysis of it is excellent, and I'm clearly familiar with the literature). And just like home, re-writing is extremely time-consuming. Well that's not very surprising is it.

Otherwise I'm doing fine. Or I'm rather frustrated with Vodafone, Queen Street Mall, Brisbane for not being able to register my 30$ credit on my pre-paid mobile-account, but I guess I had to meet some kind of trouble (f***ing salesman said I'd have to come back to the Vodafone-store for a third time although they are to blame).

It's Friday, I've been here for about 10 days, and I seriously think I need to see a beach at some point this weekend - fresh, salty air.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

are you planning to drown yourself on trying to get some waves or do ya think you'll be back in Europe without going through such an experience?

I wish I had the opportunity to have a great time in australia as well. Lucky Marika!

1:38 PM  

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