news letters
In mysterious ways, newsletters suddenly appear in my mailbox without me remembering subscribing to them. One of these are the ICT-newsletters from the Danish newspaper Politiken. However, I do not mind the letters from Politiken. In today's issue, Politiken refers to the suggestions from Utdanningsforbundet (Norwegian teachers's association) to ban use of camera cell phones from schools, as children take pictures in locker-rooms (and sometimes publish them on the Internet). The Danish teachers, however, will not follow the advice from their Norwegian colleges: “i stedet må lærere, forældre og skoleledelse påtage sig den udfordring, det er at lære børnene at bruge den nye teknologi på en fornuftig made” which means something like “instead teachers, parents and principals at schools need to face the challenge of teaching children to use this new technology in a sensible way”. I rest my case.