always progressing?
Last week I agreed to present a paper at the Örebro/Copenhagen/Oslo/London PhD-network seminar which will take place 28th and 29th of September in Örebro. Main seminar theme seems to be the argued outdated term convergence. I have yet to decide what I'm going to present, although I'm thinking about writing a brief paper on photo-sharing services. I seem to do this all the time: having far too little time writing my papers before presenting them. Which means my papers are literally works-in-progress-still-with-a-very-long-way-to-go. Why nag, I still have a month left, right? I only have three weeks though, as I will not be thinking a lot about my PhD-project while enjoying NYC between 17th and 25th of September. Oh, I do not mean to complain having a week of pleasure in New York...