

Monday, November 28, 2005

ethics and user-generated content in mass media

The ever increasing use of user-generated content within Norwegian mass-media has led to a discussion of whether these contributions should be edited before they are published. However the board in the Norwegian Press Association decided to keep the previous approach to user-generated content in their recent revision of the Code of Ethics of the Norwegian Press (not yet updated according to the changes made 25th of November). Considering the sometimes overwhelming response from readers, this decision might be the only one which is practically possible (indicating the problem of believing in dialogical mass media). Still, according to the new code of ethics, editors have a responsibility for removing contributions that break with good press-ethics as soon as possible.


Blogger Jim "Kep!" Keplinger said...

Mass editing within The Comm (blog, podcast, whatever) seems like a nice idea but amazingly impractical. As The Comm expands at rates no other base of communication has expanded, it is also turning into more than the sum of its parts. While and editor / publisher can and should be expected to edit within the medium they are personally responsible for, stretching out of that limited format will prove far too time consuming in a very short time. Instead of holding the editors, et al. responsible for the Comms of their people, they need to focus on the quality of their own media (ala newspapers) in order to make them more appealing than the mass onslaught commers they will never be able to control.

9:44 PM  

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