

Thursday, May 26, 2005

creuser and other more or less stupid neologisms

Of some reason, I have included the buzz-word "prosumer" in one of my in-progress articles that I never seem to be able to finish. I don't like it at all, but there it is referring to private individuals becoming producers of generally accessible content. Producer + consumer and/or professional + consumer equals prosumer. Why not put some other words into the equation as well? Creproconuser. Signifies creative producing consuming users. What's the value of silly combo-words? I think I'll rather write about creative use of media technologies without including such evasive concepts.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ya I know what you mean but neologisms are still not the worst thing. In Italy there is a fucking upsetting habit that is even worse than neologisms. Infact it happens more and more often that, expecially in fields like indy and underground movements (both political and artistic), people "fill their mouths" (by the way this is the literally translation of an italian idiom) with fucking english words even when there is a complete and fully meaningful italian translation of the english word considered. What the fuck! And most of the time these guys (who are supposed to be internationalist and fluent in foreign languages) can barely order a coke when in London Town. Poor Italy

10:51 AM  
Blogger Marika said...

Ouch. You should've been from Iceland. Apparently, they are really good with using Icelandic words and even finding Icelandic words for new phenomena. The Danish on the other hand...

2:11 PM  

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