working with qualitative data
What's the perfect time to do qualitative interviews for a research-project? Depends on how much knowledge there is about your research-theme? You need to do some reading and preferrably some writing to know what to ask for in the interviews? That's my experience. I started as a PhD-student in January 2004 (somehow that's almost three years ago, what happened with time?), and I did most of my interviews during 2004 and 2005. Should I have done follow-up interviews? I haven't. I'm still observing my informants through their online presence though. Qualitative interview-data are generally very rich, and I'm more interested in analysing the interviews I already have than go on and do more interviews.
However, I was somewhat worried about my latest article-in-progress. I wasn't totally convinced that the interviews would be useful for an article focusing specifically on creative practices. Turns out, they are.
An update on my computer/screen problems: changing the cable didn't help. I've connected my powerbook to a QUT-screen, covering the flickering screen of my own computer with a paper-bag.
Labels: thesis
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